Snow Days
When you live in Canada and you have kids, snow days are something else. Let me tell you – they’re quite the adventure, and if you can hang on long enough to make it through the day – in my books, you’re a survivor.
Having just recently gone through a snow day with my kids ALONE, here’s what I’ve learned:
Everything takes WAY longer – what normally takes ten minutes in the morning to get ready and out the door, takes an hour. I don’t know what it is. Kids are captivated by the snow outside the window and get distracted. I’m distracted worrying about things like how cold is it, should I drive or wagon it and will I make it. And then there’s all the clothes you have to put on – gloves, hats, neck warmers, you name it. It’s pretty funny though because once your kids are all bundled up, they look like little puffy marshmallow people, barely able to move and walk.
People are WAY nicer – I don’t know what it is, but as soon as you get out the door if you see other people out there too, it’s like a mutual respect, a camaraderie, a banding together. And where people would normally rush past you bumping your shoulder to get out of the way, suddenly they are smiling at you and holding the door for you. It brings out the best in people!
It’s kind of like a holiday – it’s kind of like when you start hearing things like school buses are not running, stay off the roads, be safe – it’s like people start thinking holiday, kids stay home from school, parents take time off work. And then you see things like snowmen on front lawns, snow forts, kids playing outside all bundled up with rosey cheeks and the only goal parents have is just to survive long enough to be able to shovel out their driveway. Welcome to the world of snow days!
You feel like doing nothing – snow days are pretty magical. It’s like being stuck inside a snow globe. It’s actually quite beautiful to look at and the streets outside are so quiet. The only thing you feel like doing is curling up in front of a fireplace and drinking hot cocoa. And you should! Because why not, we should enjoy these things as they happen.
The last snow day I went through was all this, and so much more. Oh, and by the way, I survived!
Have you gone through snow days, or weather related days? Tell me your experiences below. I’d love to know!