Mango Season
It’s Mango season, and we couldn’t be more excited because we LOVE mangos. Don’t they make the perfect summer treat? In case you didn’t know, mango season runs from May to September, and National Mango Day is on July 22. Yes, there is a thing!
So I say…. let’s go Mango Crazy!
When we were vacationing in Florida, we were lucky to find a cute little mango tree growing in our backyard. We waited and watched every single day for the perfect mango to come. And then on our final day, it finally came. And now we’re mango obsessed!
Want to know a cool thing about eating fruit straight from the tree? It’s hot. Our mango that we picked and ate right away was hot. And I think it threw the kids off because they are used to eating fruit cold. So if you are ever in a situation where you’re eating fruit straight from the source, remember to refrigerate it first - if that’s your thing.
Alright, enough chatter - here are our 10 fun ways to enjoy mangos with your family at home. Oh, and I’ve included our favourite mango smoothie recipe below.
Sliced (the basic way)
Sliced and with chilli powder (the way I had it in Mexico, and it is so good)
Sliced and dipped in chocolate (the heavenly way)
Cubed and placed in fruit salad (perfect for entertaining)
Large slices, popsicle stick inserted and frozen (mango popsicles)
Blended in a smoothie (the perfect summer treat - recipe below)
Frozen, then grated (makes like a crushed ice treat)
Frozen mango blended with yoghurt (mango ice cream.. yum)
Blended with coconut milk, place in popsicle containers, then freeze (mango creamsicles)
Sliced, bbq and drizzle with maple syrup and coconut whipped cream (the best dessert)
Ok, there you go! Now you have tons of ways to enjoy mango season with your family at home. And don’t forget to try this fun mango smoothie recipe.
What’s your favourite way to enjoy mangos? I’d love to know. Tell me below!