My Inspiration

When Chet was two years old, a fellow parent tried to have him “kicked-out” of daycare. He bit a friend on the arm and that parent wanted him gone.

As a mom, this was absolutely heartbreaking.

Not only was I having a hard time understanding why my child would bite someone, I felt devastated that a parent would want him removed.

Fortunately, the daycare had our backs. But, for us, this was just the beginning.

Over time, we received many phone calls from the daycare. Chet was having a hard time managing his “BIG EMOTIONS” and this was showing up in his behaviour.

As his mom, I knew I had to figure it out — and so, I started down the path so many parents go down.

I researched online, talked to parents, saw a Paediatrician, specialists and even enrolled in a city-run program with a resource consultant.

But, we just couldn’t find an answer. Until, I looked inside.

You see, in my family, we have many generations of BIG EMOTION people — and funny enough, these people often have a tough time in school.

The thing about BIG EMOTIONS is that when they’re good, they’re very good — but when they’re bad, well you know how it goes.

I always knew Chet was like me. But, what I didn’t know then was how to help him through it, especially since I was still figuring it out myself.

I wrote Stuck Like Glue to help families and children — including my own — find fun and creative ways for dealing with those BIG EMOTIONS.

This story is incredibly special to me, and I hope it will be for you too.

Stay tuned to learn what the story is about, my creative process, my illustration journey and the upcoming release date.

XO Lindsay