Five Facts

You may not know this but....

👉🏻 I've always been creative, since I was a little girl. I get this from my dad's "nutty" side of the family (you know who you are)

👉🏻 When I was little, I made jewelry and hair scrunchies. I had "my own company" called Escargot (sounded fancy, but means snail) and went to art shows to sell them (the goods, not the snails)

👉🏻 When I was 19, I moved to London, England with my besties (hi friends) after running away from university and started writing novels and short stories

👉🏻 In my early 20s, I moved to the big city (Torannna, as they say) to pursue a career in TV and Film as a writer, director and producer. I made my own films and original content

👉🏻 I ended up being frustrated with the film industry (there's a whole story there), and moved over to Corporate Communications where I spent almost 10 years as a director and consultant

👉🏻 I love writing, creating and storytelling for all mediums but my favourite is children's stories because it combines beautiful imagery with meaningful messaging and brings joy to children's hearts

Oops that was six!

Ok, ok. Enough about me! Tell me something about you. Comment below 👇🏻