Author Visit

I had the best time this week reading Tootsie Rolls to a grade 1/2 classroom in the beaches, Toronto. Wow. To see their cute faces listen to the entire reading, so engaged, and then to see that EVERY single one of them had a question to ask at the very end, so interested in the book and me as an author, totally made my day.

THIS is why I write kids book. THIS is why I love it so much.

Thank you Miss Power @mel_pow and St. Denis Catholic School for having me. I can’t wait to come back.

If you are interested in booking an author visit, here’s what it includes:

- author meet & greet
- book reading
- Q&A
- free signed book

I’m now touring with my children’s book, Tootsie Rolls. In one month, I’ll be touring with my new children’s book, Nothing You Can’t Do.

Book your visit today!